Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dad During the Dental School Days

I came across this great picture at Mom and Dad's back in December. If I remember correctly, Keith Stutznegger gave this to them recently. The other guy in the picture is Jake Hill (thanks, Mom!). The only thing I remember about him is that all of his children have J names. I'm glad Dad found a little time for fishing with his friends. Dental school pictures always remind me of Bob. Bob's blog gives some insights into the fun that can still be had today amidst the trials and challenges of graduate school.

Who does that smile remind you of?


  1. That is Jake (Jerel) Hill with Dad. He & his wife Vickie have a Jared & a Justine but I don't think they have a January. I think their other children are Jerald & Jacob. Dad's buddy, Bob Taylor was probably fishing with them too.

    Those were simpler & happy times.

  2. So much for my memory. Thanks, Mom, for setting the record straight.

  3. It's funny to think that the older siblings and younger siblings in a lot of ways experienced a different Dad. It's nice to see that his love for fishing was always a constant! I love you Dad!
